Tuesday, 31 January 2012

The dragon is finished!

The details could be a lot better...

But overall I'm pleased. First full colour finished picture of a dragon I've done in literally cannot recall how many years. I need to finish more work, there is something so deeply satisfying about it yet I so rarely stick personal work through to completion. I enjoy the whimsical scribbling and messyness of sketching and  immediate art, and find myself bored when I get to the serious stages when you need to actually think about what you're doing.

Maybe, if he's lucky, he'll get some kind of background... Though perhaps that's pushing it. 


  1. Bravo!

    I've been itching to draw dragons since last autumn, and yesterday I declared I shall draw some after the relief of having filed my tax return.

  2. That is so cool, I used to draw dragons loads when I was a kid. The detail and shadowing is great, and the anatomy is really believable. I'm the same when it comes to detailed work, it can be hard to take things slow and be patient, but it was worth it in this case :-)
