Tuesday, 12 July 2011

I'm testing out the new post creator on blogger. I don't like it. I don't like change! It was broken and they made it even more broken it seems. Has anyone noticed with the old editor how if you move images around they loose the ability to enlarge them? As in, the link dissapears? The level of stress that has caused in my time blogging is extraudinary, and if you've ever come accross an unclickable picture here, now you know why. I wonder if it happens with the new editor? We'll see.

Anyway, Here's some dragony creature doodles from the past couple of days, and some Sonic and anthro related doodles at the end. I like the sea dragon thing the best I think. Probably because he doesn't have any feet, and as we established in my last post, I have an issue with feet.


1 comment:

  1. You draw some of the BEST dragony creatures! I especially like this one, on the bottom half of the page: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-kHZmx_t5T1c/ThxrbZurzNI/AAAAAAAACAk/s7L0jNXI-U4/s1600/120711_creatures_01.jpg

